Chamber music
My great passion is chamber music. As a guest of various formations and with my own ensembles, I am regularly on the road and cultivate a versatile repertoire of diverse works. In addition to contemporary sounds, I am equally at home with classical literature.Collaboration with ensembles and colleagues
Ensemble Modern, Orchester im Treppenhaus, Broken Frames Syndicate, ensemble via nova, Kommas Ensemble, ur.werk Ensemble, Ensemble Risonanze Erranti, Vortex Ensemble, Lux:NM, Bärmann Trio, Ensemble Reflektor, Marie-Thérèse Zahnlecker, Heinz Holliger, Thorsten Johanns, Andreas Langenbuch, Miguel Pérez Iñesta, Wu Wei, a.o.
︎Orchester im Treppenhaus
Circling Realities
Multimedial and played by heart
︎Orchester im Treppenhaus
︎Olivier Messiaen
Quatuor pour la fin du temps
Circling Realities
Multimedial and played by heart
- Judd Greenstein: Clearing, Dawn, Dance
Benjamin Scheuer: Testudo (UA)
Osvaldo Golijov: The Dreams and Prayers of Isaac the Blind
- Maurice Ravel: Pavane pour une infante défunte
︎Orchester im Treppenhaus
- a.o. Johannes Brahms: Clarinet Quintet op. 115
︎Olivier Messiaen
Quatuor pour la fin du temps
- Internat. Musiktage im Dom zu Speyer (2021)
- Internat. Messiaentage Görlitz (15.1.2023)
- Night concert at Kammermusikfestival Würzburg (2021)
- with BFS a.o. in Wiesbaden and Paris
︎Duos with Wu Wei
New works for sheng and clarinet
︎Ensemble Modern
︎Chamber Music Festival Würzburg
︎ Portrait: Patrice Sciortino
With Bärmanntrio and musicians of the HR BigBand at Naxoshalle Frankfurt
New works for sheng and clarinet
︎Ensemble Modern
- Theresienstädter Komponisten, works by Rudolf Karel, Hans Krasa, Pavel Haas, Gideon Klein
- Diaghilev-Festival 2018, Perm
- Alte Oper Frankfurt
- Frankfurt Lab
︎Chamber Music Festival Würzburg
- Igor Stravinsky: L’histoire du soldat
- Olivier Messiaen: Quatuor pour la fin du temps
︎ Portrait: Patrice Sciortino
With Bärmanntrio and musicians of the HR BigBand at Naxoshalle Frankfurt